私たちはテュービンゲン大学の研究者で、ジェンダーとダイバーシティ研究所(Center for Gender- and Diversity Research) のメンバーです。2021年から同志社大学フェミニスト・ジェンダー・セクシュアリティ研究センター(FGSS)の皆さんと定期的に学問的交流をしています。FGSSとの交流によって、学問的にとどまらず、ドイツと日本におけるフェミニストやジェンダーの視点からの研究の状況を比較することができ、非常にありがたく思っています。これは私たちにとって貴重な交流です。このため、京都地方裁判所での提訴に至った、学問や表現の自由が制限される強い懸念を共有しています。
We are a group of scholars and members of the Center for Gender and Diversity Research at Tübingen University, and since 2021, we have been engaged in a very fruitful and regular academic exchange with members of the Feminist Gender Sexuality Studies Center (FGSS) at Dōshisha University. We appreciate this exchange not only for academic reasons but also as an opportunity to discuss and compare the situation of gender sensitive and feminist scholarship in Japan and Germany. We are deeply concerned about the restriction of academic freedom and of speech that led to the trial at the Kyoto District Court.
In this context, we want to express our appreciation of the research conducted by scholars of the research project “Bridging and networking between gender studies and feminist movements for realization of gender equality” about the history of and the controversy about so-called “comfort women”. The issue of forced wartime prostitution and the related topic of history revisionism are important research areas not only in Japanese Studies. Hence the publications on these topics by scholars of the research project are valuable contributions to these fields with a significant resonance across the academic disciplines, especially in the fields of History, Gender Studies, and Political Science. After all, violence against women and forced prostitution – in war but also in the denial of their suffering after the event – is a world-wide phenomenon and demands rigorous scholarly investigation. In this, your research is especially relevant and welcome. We strongly support you in this research and support its acknowledgement in academia and the public. We are looking forward to continuing our exchange and cooperation with the FGSS.
Prof. Dr. Monika Schrimpf
Eberhard Karls Universität Tübingen
Equal Opportunity Commissioner of the Faculty of Humanities
Institute for Asian and Oriental Studies / Department of Japanese Studies
Prof. Dr. Ingrid-Hotz-Davies
Eberhard Karls Universität Tübingen
Co-Director of the Center for Gender and Diversity Research
English Literatures and Cultures
Dr. Gero Bauer
Eberhard Karls Universität Tübingen
Center for Gender and Diversity Research
Wilhelmstr. 56
D-72074 Tübingen
Prof. Dr. Regina Ammicht-Quinn
Eberhard-Karls-Universität Tübingen
Co-Director of the Center for Gender and Diversity Research
International Center for Ethics in the Sciences and Humanities